
click the minus button [-]
on your keyboard
to toggle this section

[M] - toggles mute
[C] - remembers a start point
[V] - remembers an end point (not working yet)
[ยง] - cycle video bank (not working yet)
[1-0] - select and play files
[SPACEBAR] - toggle play/pause
[Z] - press to play, release to pause
[A] - plays fast from [C] marker position
[S] - plays normal from [C] marker position
[D] - plays slow from [C] marker position
[F] - plays slower from [C] marker position
[G] - plays fast from [C] marker position
[X] - restarts current tract at beginiing
[B] - skip forward
[Q] - plays fastest from [C] marker position
[W] - plays even faster from [C] marker position
[E] - plays faster from [C] marker position